
Jesus Christ the Wave Sheaf Accepted on Our Behalf

Speaker: Jim Chance 4/11/20 Powerpoint for Sermon under DOWNLOADS tab. We will examine how the Feast of First Fruits Old Covenant symbols were fulfilled by Jesus Christ as the Wave Sheaf in the New Covenant. This message will explain how…

Does This Look Infected

One of the benefits of having a number of friends who have entered the medical profession is the benefit of 'pocket doctors'. The chance to have a person on the end of a telephone in a matter of moments to…

1 Corinthians 10-11: Honor God, our Appearance, and Passover

In an on-going series of sermons on Paul's letter to the Corinthian church, Philip Aust discusses the issues that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 10 & 11. This includes the way to honor God in a pagan society, what God…

Forgiveness From the Heart

At a webcast Sabbath service from Buford, Bob McCurdy discusses the need for God's people to consider our forgiveness of others as part of a Passover examination.

The Waxen Heart

As we begin to approach the Passover season, we examine ourselves. One area to look deeply into is our hearts. What does our heart love? Has it waxed cold? How can we tell if it has, and what should we…

Examining the Self

We all wrestle with selfishness and it is something we must overcome. With Passover just a few short weeks away, we need to examine ourselves and identify areas where we need to repent and change. Five problem areas of self…

Angels as a Lens into God's Power

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/18/20 There are many misconceptions about angels and many times we don't think about the role of angels. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses how we can better understand God and this plan by examining the role…

The Nature and Meaning, of the Passover Symbols

When examining ourselves before Passover, what aspects or our lives may we still be blind to?

Confronting Failure

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/29/19 Failure in business, failure in relationships, failure in life – we will all fail. The question is how we respond? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth asks that we confront our failures and examines causes and responses…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…