
Exercise Profits A Little

In 1 Timothy 4:8, Paul writes that "exercise profits a little". Today's message will present a more complete understanding of this phrase and the lesson it carries for us in the 21st century.

How To Avoid Being Spiritually Sedentary

In many areas there are physical and spiritual analogies. In this sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses how the impact of a physically sedentary lifestyle can be closely compared to the detriments of…

Use It or Lose It

Properly trained, a muscle can go bigger and stronger. But, it can also shrink and weaken if not exercised and used on a regular basis. In a similar way, the more we exercise and use the Holy Spirit the stronger…


Our spiritual discernment should grow as does our conversion. Discernment needs to be exercised on a regular basis or it can fade away.
A man preparing food at a kitchen counter.

Gray Dumplings

What we eat affects our health and well being.
You've Got This

You've Got This


Will of Iron

We can have God as our spiritual personal trainer!

Positives for Older People

If we live out our natural lives, one thing is sure: We will all get old. It’s a 100 percent certainty with no exceptions other than for those who die prematurely. Aging has its trials, but it also has many...

Youth Focus from Vertical Thought... Fitness or Fatness

We generally take care of our cars, but most people don't have much of a plan for their health. With so much working against us, how can we choose fitness?

Fitness or Fatness

We generally take care of our cars, but most people don't have much of a plan for their health. With so much working against us, how can we choose fitness?