
The Bible's Appeal to Logic and Reason

We can use reason and logic to prove God exists. We do not have to rely only on faith, or only on science. Science proves our faith.

A Push On the Tush

Trusting and Faith in God's Purposes is required for asking His intervention in our lives. Thus He will give us strength in His mercy.

Take Hold by Faith

2 Cor. 5:7 says we are to walk by faith. Faith is that added dimension of understanding, beyond our natural senses that enables us to see a bigger picture. This message will examine some ways this affects us, when we…

To Walk Humbly With God

Since we live in the end times, we must focus on our shield of faith. Faith can conquer any problem . By faith we can see and hear Gods will . By faith we can have a rewarding way of…

A Really Stubborn Man

When God has something on His mind, that we disagree with, means WE need to change. Like the Assyrians, Jonah hated other people who were “evil”. He wanted God to help him and was angry with God for offering repentance…

What Does Faith Look Like?

Faith comes in many shapes and sizes. Jesus spoke about the faith of a mustard seed, but we know there are very faithful people. What does faith look like to you and me?

What Is Faith? How Do You Get It?

Faith is a gift of God. When proof is lacking, Faith is your substance. Human reason will destroy Faith. Reach out to God for more faith.

I Do not Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist

Reasoning why it takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. A Biblical reasoning why it is hard to explain atheism.

If With All Your Heart

During this special time of fasting, as we come together counting down to Pentecost, do we ponder the great gift and significance of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives? Do we engage in deep personal self examination?

Anxiety, the Unbelieving Heart

Anxiety gives rise to many sins, and is rooted in unbelief. It is a fight of faith to battle your unbelieving heart. Hebrews 3:12