
Faith, Also Needs Wisdom

Finding balance in wisdom and sound judgment and faith in God.

We Are Underdogs

As underdogs, we should be unafraid of being afraid. Our strength comes from God. When we are weak, we are strong.

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

This message on Isaiah 8 examines a time of crisis that the nations of Israel and Judah were facing. As we Christians prepare ourselves for times of crisis in our lives. We look to the lesson God has for us…

Kingdom Level Dedication

OUR conscious CHOICE to prioritize God, His Design, His Purpose, and His Designed Purpose for OUR life, which He has given us …allows God to Develop in US …Kingdom-Level Dedication

Into the Unknown

Do you worry about the future and the things that you cannot control? Can we live a life peacefully when we move forward into the unknown?

Faith Toward God

Hebrews 6:1-2 lists the basic doctrines the lead Christians to perfection. In this sermon Mr Smith addresses one of these, faith toward God by looking at Romans chapters 3-5 where Paul focuses on the subject of faith.

Four Women Who Feared God

We read about many heroes of faith in the Bible. This sermon examines the lives of four respected women who feared God.

If the Lord Wills

A study into the progression of Life--and how 'best' to 'deal' with it to preserve the quality of one's faith

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. In…

Using Your Liberty

The liberty we have been given is a call to be in the service of and represent the one who has given us freedom. We do not have the freedom to do whatever we want!