
Living Faith

What is faith, and how do we live a life of faith?


Rick Jensen shares a story of the outbreak of 1918 that was similar to the COVID-19 pandemic we find ourselves in today. Rick shares lessons learned and explains how we should utilize this time to continue to be an example…

BE In God's "Light"

HOW filled with God’s “Light” ARE you? How filled with the corruptions of the world ARE you? As we have learned …the method to removing the corruption of this carnal life is to replace it with the Unleavened Christ. HOW?

Cut Off From God?

We see How Christ Saw His Current State on the Cross, His reliance on Our Father, and His Future. After Psalm 22 there are two more which show Christ's View of His State then and future. We are to learn…

Faith in God's Power, Wisdom, and Love

Having Faith in God goes well beyond just believing He exists. We have to learn to have faith in His Ultimate Power, His limitless Wisdom, and His unfailing Love.

Are You Ready For The 2020's

God commands us to be separate from and to come out of this world. Human nature all around us yearns to live free of any constraints while mass media seeks control and delivers the means to live vicariously in Satan’s…

The Faith OF Christ

Christ examples Active, Living constant, ongoing Trust in GOD – rather than in Himself, even though HE is God. Being a Perfect Sacrifice, Enabled by the Father with a God-given FUTURE Focus – The Faith of Christ, the Author and…

Our Anchor Of Hope

The apostle Paul mentions three important facets of spiritual growth: faith, hope and love. And that we should be seeking those attributes of God. Discouragement is a part of this age but hope is an anchor that can keep us…

A Push On the Tush

Trusting and Faith in God's Purposes is required for asking His intervention in our lives. Thus He will give us strength in His mercy.

Take Hold by Faith

2 Cor. 5:7 says we are to walk by faith. Faith is that added dimension of understanding, beyond our natural senses that enables us to see a bigger picture. This message will examine some ways this affects us, when we…