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Are You Ready For The 2020's

God commands us to be separate from and to come out of this world. Human nature all around us yearns to live free of any constraints while mass media seeks control and delivers the means to live vicariously in Satan’s world. The world is in the throes of previously unimaginable social and moral upheavals. Major world religions look expectantly for the coming of their various messiah like figures. National and personal debt continues to explode while a glut of money in circulation and a stock market higher than ever before disguises the truth that we are stealing from the future to stabilize the present. What must we do to be prepared to meet the challenges before us? Let us put on the whole armor of God, be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us and daily renew the inward man. Keep hope burning brightly, live in faith and God will provide a way to overcome!

Before his retirement in 2021, Dr. Donald Ward pastored churches in Texas and Louisiana, and taught at Ambassador Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also served as chairman of the Council of Elders of the United Church of God. He holds a BS degree; a BA in theology; a MS degree; a doctor’s degree in education from East Texas State University; and has completed 18 hours of graduate theology from SMU.

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