
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Are You Ready For The 2020's

God commands us to be separate from and to come out of this world. Human nature all around us yearns to live free of any constraints while mass media seeks control and delivers the means to live vicariously in Satan’s…


Many are familiar with the idea of Satan's deception of this world. We must be aware of that fact, but we also must face the very real danger of self-deception. This is something that can be hard to confront, since…

Jews & Christians Reject Jesus the Christ Part 2 A

Those who call themselves Christians marvel that the Jews did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. They look with horror at the blasphemy of those who refused to recognize the One sent as their Savior! Yet these same Christians are…

Human Nature

One of the greatest mysteries men struggle with is how God works with His creation. Quentin Rhody discusses why we exist and how we are like clay vessels of God, the master potter, that will help perfectly shape our nature…

Remembering the Critical Need for Baptism

Listen to this sermon to learn why God requires us to be baptized, and about its meaning and parallels with ancient Israel's exodus from Egypt and crossing the Red Sea (please see attached ".pdf" document that is referred to during…

Drifting Away

The book of Hebrews repeatedly warns of the danger of simply drifting away from God's calling. This sermon discusses several dangers that can cause Christians to neglect their salvation. These are time, familiarity, the influence of society, the pulls of…

The Deceitful Heart

Mankind has a deceitful heart through Satan's deception. We must be careful to not fall prey to Satan's craftiness and overcome our sinful nature.

Why is Everyone So Angry

We can be influenced by anger and the world since negative emotions are within us, however, we have God's Holy Spirit to overcome all negativity.

Putting Away Our Childishness

Will we allow our childish human nature to rule over us and allow it to exclude us from the best thing that can ever happen to us? We must not give in to the world and it's carnal ways. We…