
Let Not Many Of You Become Teachers

Christ gave some to be teachers for the edification of the Church. James cautions that the teachers shall all receive a stricter judgment. What does God expect of the teachers that serve His people? This sermon also explores the context…

Will Old Covenant Saints Be Part of God's Kingdom

This sermon explains the process of the debt of sin being paid for by Jesus Christ, who came to earth long after those under the Old Covenant had died.

The Spirit of Trumpets

Luk 21:27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luk 21:28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."

Time is Not Replaceable, It's Redeemable

Sermon looking into the subject of time and the perspective we should have. Time not replaceable, it's redeemable.

Time is Not Replaceable, It's Redeemable

Sermon looking into the subject of time and the perspective we should have. Time not replaceable, it's redeemable.

The Faith of the Faithful

Sermon looking at the faith of Christians thru time and how we can use their exmaple to remain faithful to God until the end.

Do you believe God?

As we examine ourselves in preparation for the taking of the Passover, in addition, this message encourages us to examine ourselves whether we are in the faith. Do we truly believe God’s promises to us, act upon them, and have…

Such a Time as This

Many of God's servants have been faced with critical decisions. All of us will be faced with decisions that test us. The examples of those in the Bible help us to make the correct decisions.

Laziness: 3 Paths that Lead the Wrong Direction

There are a lot of reasons we become lazy at times. Today, we'll look at 3 of them and how to avoid them.

Salvation and God's Long Suffering

God gives humanity time to determine the true character of people. He is interested in who will be faithful to Him. God doesn't ignore sinful actions, He wants to observe overall nature of an individual before He takes action. Mr…