
Watching for the Four Horsemen

Jesus Christ gave a clear command to 'Watch' during the Olivet Prophecy. This command has a strong connection to the so-called 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' listed in Revelation 6. In this message, we'll examine that connection and Jesus' command…

The Samaritans, Simon Magus, and You

Who were the Samaritans? What were their religious beliefs and how did SImon Magus use those beliefs in helping to set up a great false Church? And what does it have to do with those who love the truth?
Man holding Bible.

Where Did the Symbolism of the Cross Originate?

The cross far predates Christianity, and its roots are in ancient religious worship.
A man sitting in a church.

Why Do People Make the Sign of the Cross on Their Body?

Making the sign of the cross on oneself is an expression of belief in the Trinity, a concept of God’s nature not found in Scripture.

Historical Origins of the Doctrine of The Immortality of The Soul

Where did the false concept of immortality of the soul come from? Learn how Satan's subtle exercise in mass-education has deceived the entire world.

Apostles versus Simon's Christianity

In this sermon we examine the apostles interaction with Simon Magus' counterfeit Christian church. Let's notice their encouragement toward the true church to remain faithful, while battling with veracity against the nominal Christianity of their (and our) day.

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

Who are the Beast and False Prophet?

The book of Revelation tells of two mysterious figures that will appear on the world scene at the end time. Many will follow their political and religious lead and unwittingly oppose Jesus Christ! Who are the Beast and False Prophet…

The Two Women of Revelation

In the book of Revelation, we read about two women. Who are they, what do they represent, and why does it matter to you? Today we'll explore this fundamental key to understanding the prophecy foretold in the book of Revelation!

Separating Truth From Lies

We are living in an age in which speech, and even images, can be generated by computer, such that it may become extremely difficult to recognize situations that are generated artificially. This will make the ability to recognize truth ever…