
How We Deceive Ourselves

How does Satan deceive the world? How does our human nature deceive us? What can we do to resist Satan’s deception?

Would Jesus Keep Christmas?

The pastor reviews why Christmas should not be kept, and proves through scriptures that this holiday season is neither a way to honor God's name nor a correct form of worship.

The Sealed Vision

The first several verses of chapter 8 of the book of Daniel further describe visions the prophet Daniel's witnessed. One involved a ram and goat and the other about a sinister "little horn." Learn what these amazing visions are about…

Avoid Cargo Cult Traps

When a group of basically uncontacted islanders in the pacific where thrust into the middle of World War II, they were faced with what had to seem unexplainable. The term Cargo Cult religion comes from replicating form without substance. This…

Are We Worshiping God The Way He Wants?

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been two religious systems; The true religion of God and the false religious system created by man. Today we'll look at what exactly is wrong with keeping Christmas from God's perspective while exploring…

Origins of the End-Time Beast

Bible Study covering the origins of the end-time beast power . The second in a multi-part series.

Source of False Religion

Bible Study covering Nimrod and the source of the false Babylonian religious system. The first in a multi-part series.