Black horse of famine described in Revelation 6.

The Horsemen of Revelation

The food-rich countries' potential to feed the entire planet makes it hard to imagine a famine extensive enough to thrust the earth into a global crisis. Yet the third seal of Revelation 6, employing the symbol of a black horse...

Friends, Family and Faith

We're fasting this weekend, partly to "look to the needs of others." We were reminded in the calling for this fast that "We have brethren around the world in desperately poor places...whom we can't even directly help at this time…

Are You Prepared For The Trumpets?

On the Feast of Trumpets before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the events described in Revelation leading up to the return of Christ and their correlation with His words in Matthew 24.

A Famine of Hearing the Word

The Word of God is readily available and has been more accessible in the last 100 years than any other time in history. There is a time when the preaching of the Gospel will come to an end. There will…

Miss A Meal - But Don't Miss The Book!

God's Word declares that a famine is coming, but one not of physical nourishment, but of spiritual - a famine of Biblical teaching. But God's people need to be careful that they don't voluntarily fast. In this split-sermon, Michael Bannen…

Where Are We in Prophecy?

The year 2019 has arrived! Exactly where are we today in end-time prophecy? For the best that we can know, listen in to find out our present position in biblical prophecy.
Media Production

The Four Horsemen of Revelation

Discover what you can do to survive the four frightful outbursts of violence and turmoil coming upon the world.

The Seventh Seal

In advance of the soon-coming Feast of Trumpets, Dr. Steve Holladay discusses some of the events that are foretold in the book of Revelation that are associated with the blowing of trumpets, the seals and the last seven plagues, all…

A Famine of Hearing

What is missing in our world? Could it be a famine of hearing the word of God?

A Famine of Hearing

What is missing in our world? Could it be a famine of hearing the word of God?