
When the Churches are Closed

The global pestilence of the Coronavirus and the subsequent cancellation of Sabbath services can be seen as a foreshadowing of a prophecy: the famine of the Word. We review this prophecy with the knowledge in light of our current experience…

A Famine of Hearing the Word

The Word of God is readily available and has been more accessible in the last 100 years than any other time in history. There is a time when the preaching of the Gospel will come to an end. There will…

Is God's Holy Spirit Dwelling in You?

Join us for this very interesting Sermon about God's Holy Spirit , and it's dwelling in us. Mr. Jorge de Campos answers lots of questions in this eye opening message about God's Holy Spirit working with us and Dwelling in…

The Coming Famine of the Word

About 2,775 years ago, the Lord God delivered a prophecy through Amos describing "a famine of the hearing of the word is coming...”. What is the “word” not heard, what causes the famine, and what comes afterwards?

Preaching the Gospel, Preparing a People

Listen to this sermon to discover how we should be doing our part in support of preaching the gospel, and preparing a people. Are we prepared? Are we an example of living the gospel, and thereby "preach" the gospel with…

The Coming Famine of the Word

God says He will send a peculiar famine. This famine will strike at the heart of society. What can we do to protect ourselves from being a casualty of this famine? There is coming a famine of the word, and…

A Famine of Hearing

How did America become great and why have we now lost that former greatness? What will it take to restore that greatness? What will it take to- "make America great again?" The same for God's church. The purpose of this…

A Famine of Hearing

What is missing in our world? Could it be a famine of hearing the word of God?

Will Religion Become a Thing of the Past?

Many in the Western world view religion as passé, old-fashioned and irrelevant to modern life. Ironically, the Bible also tells of a time when there will be a famine of the knowledge of God.