
Fulfill Your Joy

Does news of the Coronavirus and other such things tend to leave you feeling down? Do you feel there is no joy to be had in life? In this message we'll explore how joy and our physical circumstances do not…


Mindfulness Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used by Christians to gain self-control and to become more effective ambassadors for Christ.

A Biblical Perspective on Fairness

Please join us for this amazing video sermon on what God thinks is fair. Do you think other people receive more fairness than you do? Do we deserve the fairness we receive? The answers to these questions and much more…

The 10th Commandment

As wealth in our society grows so does income inequality, which creates more resentment and frustration as we are increasingly tempted to covet those things we see that belong to our neighbor. Yet covetry goes well beyond money, but instead…

Life Lessons

In this split sermon Michael Bannen covers four lessons that we can apply in life. [Note - A slide presentation accompanied this message which is attached in the Download section to the right.]

It Is a Wonderful Life!

We do not want to cause anyone offense, rather we should extend Godly love towards others. We do not want to be offended by others because God is tolerant of our mistakes all the time.

God Will Not Abandon You

When we suffer a loss–of a loved one, a longtime friendship or even a career–the sense of loss can make us feel like God has abandoned us. But in reality, God will never abandon us. He sends us love and…

Common to Man

Shedding some of God's light on the darkness of suicide. 1 Corinthians 10:13

God Will Not Abandon You

When we suffer a loss - of a loved one, a longtime friendship or even a career, the sense of loss can make us feel like God has abandoned us. We may feel that way, but God will NEVER abandon…


It is a wonderful gift from God that we have feelings and emotions. The way we feel is very important to God. God doesn’t just look at how we act but how we feel. It is part of how God…