
Casual or Crucial Connections?

We relate to people because of something we have in common. On what are our relationships with others based?
The Alamo

A Christian Band of Brothers and Sisters

As a “Band of Christian Brothers and Sisters” we will need the courage and support of each other in the coming days more than ever.
Lewis and Lena VanAusdle have made friendships with brethren from all over the world. Here they are pictured with friends during a trip to Malawi in December 2019.

The Refreshing Bond of Fellowship

The Feast of Tabernacles can help us realize the importance of building and maintaining connections with one another.
Media Production


There are times when we must be alone and it serves a purpose. But we need each other and we must appreciate the value in being together.
Man sitting in field studying Bible alone.

Council Letter: Attending Church Services

Some of us grew up in homes where attending church was a regular weekly occurrence.
The author and his wife Megan, at left and right rear, share goodbyes at the airport in Malawi, Africa, before flying back to America.

Five Tools for Dealing With Trials

What do you do when you’ve tried everything within your power to solve a problem? Here are five tools to help turn trials into godly character.

A Shot Across the Bows

Is what we are experiencing today as a result of a global pandemic, merely a shot across the bow? A warning of much bigger problems ahead? Are you prepared physically and more importantly, spiritually?


In this period of quarantine, when we can't physically fellowship with each other, we can and should fellowship with our Heavenly Father and His Son. As we examine ourselves, we need to take care to not to justify our ungodly…

Thoughts From the Funeral of a Friend

Michael Snyder covers three points in lessons learned from personal end-of-life experiences surrounding family and friends: the importance of personal contact and communication, being a light, and having renewed hope with a sense of urgency through the understanding of God’s…

A Word Robbed of Its Meaning

Exploring the concept of Fellowship and what it really means.