
Our First Love

Although we have many firsts in life, there's nothing quite as precious as our First Love. For Christians, that love is in Christ and the gift of eternal life. Now is the time as Passover approaches we should be self-examining…

Prepare to Not Be a Foolish Virgin

The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to Ten Virgins, five wise and five foolish. How can we make sure we will not be a foolish virgin?

Revelation 2: What We Learn from the Church of God, Ephesus

In a sermon given to the Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the praise and admonitions that Christ delivered to the Ephesian church through the apostle John, and what we can learn from them today.

Become Like Little Children

On the occasion of the annual blessing of little children, Jerry Shallenberger, a local elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses what Christ showed about the attitude of children and our entrance into God's Kingdom.

First Love

What is first love? As we each have more time in the body of Christ, have we lost that first love? It is natural for us to let our initial passion fade. If we are cognizant of that tendency, we…

First Love

What is first love? As we each have more time in the body of Christ, have we lost that first love? It is natural for us to let our initial passion fade. If we are cognizant of that tendency, we…

You've Lost that Lovin Feellin

Do you have the same love for your calling? Jesus gave us the key to keeping our first love alive in our personal lives. The old Righteous Brothers song has the lyrics, “You’ve lost that loving feeling”, and we will…

Return to First Works

Revelation 2's message to the Ephesians tells us that Jesus knows our works and our labors. He cares about us. Paul explains to the Ephesians and to us what they have been given. Jesus instructs us to return to our…

First Works, First Love

Jesus Christ says to The Churches of Rev 2 and 3: "I know your works..." He cares about what we do! He also admonishes His people when they leave their First Love says to overcome this (Rev. 2:4, 7) Remember…

Recapture Your First Love

I would like to share with you some of my reflections about why we as Christians might lose the motivation for our calling and the Kingdom and what to do to recapture our first love. Main scriptures are: - Revelation…