
Interacting with the Spirit

The Holy Spirit, we know is indespensible to eternal life, but only in so far as we interact with it. But just how does the Holy Spirit help us, and how do we tap into it.?

Types of Spirit

Just as physical flesh and physical matter are composed of different compounds and elements, so are things of the spirit. We can't generalize things of the spirit by saying something is made of spirit, just as we would not say…

God's Expectations Pertaining to the Gift of the Holy Spirit

What are the expectations that God has for you and me regarding being a steward of the Holy Spirit?

The Greatest Code Ever Written

John 1 tells us that the Word - Greek, Logos - (v.1), Who was the actual Creator (v.3), became flesh (v.14). But why, in this particular context, would it emphasize His name, while at the same time not even mentioning…

What Does It Mean To Be Made In The Image Of God?

In Genesis we're told that man was made in the image of God. But is there more that God has in mind? In this sermon, Jerold Aust, retired pastor and Senior Beyond Today writer, explains what God really intended when…

Get To Know Our Adversary

As we approach the Passover and as we examine ourselves, we need to look at the tactics of our adversary. Understand more fully how the flesh wars against the spirit. Then we need to utilize the Spirit that God has…

Works of the Flesh

Paul uses the word 'flesh' to describe not only physical sins but also sins of the heart and mind. We are locked in a daily battle against the works of the flesh.

Christ, Because He Humbled Himself

Christ became perfect through being made in the flesh and humbling himself. We need to understand and live by his example for he has gone through everything we have or will go through.

The Church That Father and Son Are Building

God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are building a Church, and the called out ones are the building material. It is a Father and Son construction team where, "No job too big nor job too small, for They…
The War Within

The War Within

How do you handle those inner conflicts.