Focus On

These series of blogs focus on several topics that will provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.

A photo of young child in Nigeria.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

There are things you see that stick with you—things you can't unsee. Those things can have the most powerful impact on your ultimate understanding of the world.
Sun rays coming through the clouds.

Jesus' Coming Will Not Be a Secret

The second coming of Jesus Christ is a major focal point of Bible prophecy. Is it possible that this momentous occasion will be known to only a few people?
A young woman staring up while standing in tall grass near trees.

"I Want Jesus to Return, But Not Too Soon"

God has blessed life with many pleasures and good experiences. But we need to be careful we don't get so caught up in them that we forget to look forward to His coming Kingdom.
A young man reading a Bible while sitting on a dock.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

The time between the Old Testament and New Testament gives insight into the life and times of Jesus Christ and the New Testament Church.
A person looking up at the millions of stars filling the night sky.

Hearing the Voice of God

How God's Word can bring you out of the darkness and into the light.
A woman holding a Bible opened to the Psalms.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

A short break-down of what the Old Testament books are all about.
A man reading a Bible.

Can I Trust the Bible?

How do we know the Bible is true and its promises will actually happen?
A man holding a journal notebook.

The Power of the Bible

The Bible is full of practical, down-to-earth and powerful lessons. Reading it regularly will change your life.

How Do You Handle Bad News?

A very exciting message about handling bad news, and looking at that news from a spiritual perspective. How we should approach bad news and still praise God and be thankful?
A woman looking at a book in a library.

The Flaw in Evolution

If scientists' question is “How did life originate without supernatural intervention?” then maybe they're asking the wrong question.