Focus On

These series of blogs focus on several topics that will provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.


Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

Thy Kingdom Come

Jesus Christ taught His disciples to pray using a model prayer to follow. The phrase "Thy Kingdom Come" is discussed in this message. It brings out the focus Jesus had in HIs life and ministry. His focus was on the…

How to keep our focus on the Kingdom of God

This message goes over five focuses that will help us keep the Kingdom of God front of mind so we don’t lose focus on the ultimate goal of being Kings and priests in his kingdom.

Facing the "What If"

How many of us have found ourselves worrying unnecessarily? Do we play the "what if" game? Instead of playing the "what if" game, our focus should be on "what is". Let's review what the scriptures say about what we should…

Having Eyes That See as God Sees

What we see enters the mind and heart - our focus needs to be through the lens of God's Spirit - through the mind of Jesus.

Why are You Here?

We made it through another Christmas season and now we can look forward to the spring Holy Days. Today, we will go over the importance of refocusing on God. We will learn from the experiences of Jonah, Elijah, Job and…

The Weightier Matters of the Law

In our busy and fast paced world that we live in, it's easy to get distracted and ignore what is important and focus on the inconsequential parts of our life. Christ's gives us a warning that our focus should be…
A older person reading a Bible.

Bible "Cliff Notes"

A brief look at the New Testament and where it fits in the context of the entire Bible.
A man standing in a concrete tunnel with a suitcase looking out as the sun is setting.

Are You a Prepper?

Some prep for disasters with food stocks, ammo and survival skills. But is there more to preparing for the end of this age?