Follow Me

"Follow Me" are a series of articles within "The Bible and You" section of the Beyond Today magazine. They are written by Robbin Webber. Mr. Webber explains different aspects of what it means to embrace Jesus Christ's challenging admonition to "Follow Me."

A person holding a Bible.

Follow Me

As the menacing ruler of this world drags society into deepening darkness, we must turn to the light for ongoing help and victory.
A person standing at the top of the Grand Canyon.

Follow Me

Above the constant barrage of voices that would shape who we are, hear and heed the one that is ultimately vital to your life now and forever.
An artist rendition of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

Follow Me

The upcoming coronation of King Charles III should remind us of a far greater and more glorious coronation and reign—one in which we could play a glorious part!
A person looking up into the night sky.

Follow Me

The weekly seventh-day Sabbath directs us to Christ and our future with Him and the Father. Meeting with Them in this holy time is a vital part of being Christ’s disciple.
A silhouette of a young woman.

Follow Me

Jesus’ own example of humble submission was preceded by the example of a devoted and yielded mother.
A boat on a sandy shore with nets.

Follow Me

Jesus’ first disciples left their lives as fishermen to follow Jesus. This commitment would be tested and renewed—an example to all of us.
The silhouette of a woman.

Follow Me

A faithful disciple made sure to not miss an important opportunity to show her love and devotion to Jesus Christ—leaving a lesson and example for us all.
Two people walking on a path in the woods.

Follow Me

Be prepared for God to direct you on your path to encounters with others.
A gravestone marker.

Follow Me

Four words on a gravestone raise a question with far-reaching and eternal consequences—to whom does your life belong?
A graphic illustration of a shrug shoulders.

Follow Me

The memory of a man who rejected worry, as God instructs us, helps us to do the same.