
Fasting - The Power Tool

Fasting isn't for penance. Fasting isn't for show. Fasting is for humility. Fasting is for drawing close to God.

God, People, and Food

These are three important words that, if you put them in the right order, will help you to have a better Feast this year.

Food Fellowship and Faith

Satan is busy working to take our eye off the future goal we all look forward to. Satan wants to keep us from being there. We are told to go anyway and go with joy. We go each year to…

Feast on These Things: God, People, Food

God's Holy Days consist of three important elements: God, people, and food. These are God's festivals that involve His Holy people and mention food as an important part of these days. A look at these three elements as they relate…

God Is Great; Beer Is Good; People Are Crazy

God is both great and good, without which we would not have hope. His creation of all things (food, animals, earth, etc.) are formed for us and are good. People (mankind) exhibit craziness in that despite the miracles in our…

Food That Sustains Forever

LDUB AM Sermonette. Do you want food that sustains forever, or physical food that doesn't last but a few hours. Living by the true bread from heaven that sustains forever.

Taking What God Created for Granted

God's blesses us with food and water. We should not take it for granted.


We put a variety of spices into our foods and call that "seasoning."
In the News: Does Your Diet Synergize?

In the News

A new area of study in nutrition science, food synergy, is proving that certain food combinations can increase, sometimes more than doubling, the beneficial aspects of single foods.

The Man Who Saved Millions of Lives

He saved more lives than any human who ever lived. Yet you probably do not know his name. Some say he was the "person of the 20th century."