
Meals in Old Israel

This short message of general interest summarizes evidence for what the ancient Israelites used in their meals. The time period is roughly that of the Books of Kings and Chronicles up to the building of the Second Temple. Also included…

Labor For The Good Food of Eternal Life

We all have hobbies and some of ours may relate to how we cook or prepare food. Whether it be grilling out in the summer time, or gardening, or putting effort into cooking. We work hard for good food in…

Clean and Unclean Foods

BiblesStudy: Learn why the Bible's laws of clean and unclean foods are in effect.

Afflict Your Souls

The Day of Atonement holds so much meaning for us. It points to reconciliation to God and removal of Satan from this Earth. Within that meaning, and within the command observance of this day, we are told to afflict our…

The Two Lions

The Bible describes Christ as a lion. Today we explain how that description helps us understand more deeply Joel 3:16

Fasting - A Tool For Spiritual Growth

At baptism our Christian obligations included occasional fasting. In this sermon, pastor Philip Aust discusses the need to fast, how to fast and the spiritual benefits that are derived from fasting.

Meat in Context

A brief look at the Biblical food laws, and how the context of scripture proves them necessary.

Our Spiritual Body

Scripture draws a great analogy between our physical bodies and the spiritual body God has placed us in.
A person reading a Bible at a table.

What's in Your Diet?

We have to find a spiritually-balanced diet in our Christian lives.

Power of the Picnic

God loves a picnic! There are examples of picnics in the Bible. What powerful lessons can we learn from these biblical picnics?