
Unless I Wash You

Passover is richly endowed with spiritual meaning, lessons taught and learned by physical examples teaching spiritual lessons. The physical examples of unleavened bread and wine are obviously symbolic of great spiritual lessons. Likewise, the physical act that Jesus did when…

Coronavirus: What’s Humility Got to Do With It?

The nation has been gripped by the COVID-19 virus that continues to “gallop” across the globe. It’s a situation unlike anything we’ve seen before, and politicians, scientists, and doctors are grappling on how to “stop the spread.” Talks about vaccines…

Context for the Passover

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, provides the historical context of the first Passover and the application for New Testament Christians as described in the gospels and by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11.

The New Testament Passover Symbols

A look at the NT Passover symbols. In part 1 we go through the gospel accounts to understand the timeline and the order they are implemented. The ordinance of the foot washing is also reviewed and what we are to…

Humility Brings to Bear Powerful Healing for the Christian

The Passover teaches us many valuable spiritual lessons. Here is another lesson connected to foot washing aspect of the Passover

Humility Brings to Bear Powerful Healing for the Christian

The Passover teaches us many valuable spiritual lessons. Here is another lesson connected to the foot washing aspect of the Passover.

Passover and Foot Washing

We are getting ready soon to walk through God’s Holy Day plan. One of the elements of the Passover service is the foot washing. Understanding more about this part of the service can more fully focus our minds on the…

Foot Washing: Are You a Lowly Servant?”

Jesus instituted foot washing to precede the Passover. Typically, the washing of feet was done by the lowliest person of the house. Why did Jesus add this unusual ceremony to the Passover service? Are you getting the message of foot…

The Passover Foot Washing

The foot-washing service performed on the Passover exemplifies an attitude of humility. Let's study this subject today beginning with a definition of Godly humility. First, we will read John 13:1-17.

Fundamental Belief #11: The Passover

Fundamental Belief #11: The Passover. Significance of the New Testament Passover