Whatever the hardships or joys that life may bring, we should strive to be like trees planted by the riverside

Sturdy and Strong

Looking at our Christian walk through the perspective of a tree can teach us about our own spiritual growth.

The Beatitudes - A Conclusion

Speaker: Luis De Andrade 2/29/2020 The beatitudes represent the very core and foundation of teaching for Christ's following. Obeying the commands of Christ as found throughout the Gospels will transform us into beings exhibiting these "Attitudes of Being." Pls. Note…

How Real Is God to You?

How can we know God is real and that He listens to us? Do you feel that your prayers to Him go unheard or unanswered? Listen in to find out about the real God.

Firm Foundation

Like Trees having to brace itself against driving storms and winds strengthens the roots of a tree, trials strengthen our roots to help us have a firm foundation against the trials we will face.

The Twelve Stones of the Foundation of New Jerusalem

In a fascinating sermonette, Jon Davies discusses the twelve precious stones that are spoken of as being included in the foundation of New Jerusalem (Rev 21). He describes and offers valuable information about each one.

Speak the Truth

It is critically important that we always tell the truth, but why? Why does it matter so much? God's creation is a good starting point to consider why it is so important.

The Parable of the Evil Vinedressers

How does this parable relate to us today and extend even beyond? Listen in to find out how to be a good "vinedresser."

The Promise Made Before the Foundation of the World

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 5/25/19 What is the nature of Jesus Christ? Judaism and Islam accept Jesus as a prophet, but certainly do not accept Him as God. The dominant Christianity, which is Trinitarian, says that Jesus is of an essence…

Rocks In Our Lives

This sermon draws lessons from the experience of building a rock wall with the help of family members and friends. A solid and strong rock wall needs a good cornerstone, strong stones on the lowest row to form a good…

Israel and Their DIY Plan

"Let each take heed how he builds upon it". The foundation for us to build on has been laid by Jesus Christ and we are instructed to build upon the "rock, the foundation that Jesus set. God warns us to…