
Safety from Terror

The world as we know it is heading for destruction. What will happen to true Christians during the End Times?

Our Universe and the Sixth Seal

With the powerful universe as a back drop, study the prophecies of the heavenly signs and the end of the world as we know it stated in the book of Revelations.

Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Watching for the Four Horsemen

Jesus Christ gave a clear command to 'Watch' during the Olivet Prophecy. This command has a strong connection to the so-called 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' listed in Revelation 6. In this message, we'll examine that connection and Jesus' command…

Trumpets: All about connections

The return of Jesus Christ will usher in the beginning of the Kingdom of God, making and renewing spiritual connections with the firstfruits. But first, some connections in this age of man will need to be broken

Are You Preared to Meet Your Creator?

Excellent Feast of Trumpets sermon on the seventh trumpet , and asking the question " Are You Prepared to Meet Your Creator"? Join us for this excellent message.

A Passover Puzzle: Four Horses, Ten Plagues

We are familiar of the ten plagues of Egypt. There are amazing parallels between the judgment of Egypt and the judgment of the great tribulation.

Ready to Ride?

An editorial note from Scott Ashley