
Freedom's Greatest Enemy

What keeps Christians from being free? Sin makes us slaves and is an enemy of our freedom. How can we overcome the sin in our lives?

The Danger of Fear

The world, without God, lives in fear and causes them to be slaves to that world. Mark Helseth discusses three points on the dangers of fear and how having faith in God provides freedom from those fears.

The Next Chapter

Freshly retired, this is a reflection on my time as an employee and a sharing of some future hopes & dreams. lt's also an invitation for everyone to consider what challenges and opportunities await each of us.

Jesus Proclaims Liberty for All

At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus read a portion of Isaiah 61, proclaiming liberty for captives and freedom for those oppressed. God gives us the opportunity to be spiritually free, a spiritual liberty that makes us different - not…

Fast For Freedom

It is common to associate the Day of Atonement, with affliction, suffering, pain. But have we considered comparing it with freedom?

Freedom for all!

We are entering an exciting time as we lead up to the fall Holy Days. This time represents a time of all freedom for all people of the world. This message will explore 3 steps that lead to liberty.

Under the Yoke of Slavery or Freedom?

The message of Pentecost is clear. The door to true spiritual freedom is open to all people who God calls following their repentance and baptism. Then through the power of the Holy Spirit they can enjoy true liberty in knowing…

Walk in the Light

Mired in darkness, the world around us remains oblivious to a causation that we are readily aware of—that abounding godlessness yields evil. In recognition of that, in this message, we'll use the symbology of light and dark—good and evil—to expose…

God's Way of Life is Characterized By Freedom

In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through His law. This sermon will examine Commandments 7 through 10 of the ten Commandments and document the freedoms each…

Free at Last

As Christians, we have a duty to flee the bondage of our sin, and the sin of this world.