
Friends Help Us Stay Mindful of God

We tend to get wrapped up in the things of life, giving us tunnel vision. God gives us examples in the interactions with Abraham and Peter how to be mindful of the things of God, rather than the things of…

A Friend of God

Today I am going to talk about approaching God as a friend and in doing so, give you one point to help develop your friendship with God.

The Friend of God

Abraham became a friend of God by listening Him and having faith in God. We are to follow the example of Abraham and become a friend of God as well.

Unleavened Bread and Righteous Living

During the days of unleavened bread, we are to focus and recommit to a Holy and pure way of living by excluding the ways of the world in our lives. It is a reminder to help us exercise righteous living.

Are You a Friend of the World?

Are you a friend of God or a friend of the world? We must make that choice in our lives and our daily walk.

Friendship into the Millennium

We learn how to love God by befriending and building friendships with fellow humans. Throughout the Bible, we have examples of friendships and the traits that establish real friendship. Christian friendship teaches us how to be a friend of God…

Are You a Friend of God?

Would God say today that you are His friend? Abraham was called a friend of God and God deeply desires to be our friend. However, we cannot have a relationship with God on our own terms. Jesus Christ gave all…

Friendship With God

One of the greatest blessings we can have in life is friendship. The most important friendship we can have is our friendship with God. We can learn about our friendship with God through his friendship with the servant Abraham.

The Life of Moses, Four Lessons

Moses was a very powerful servant called and used by the LORD. Given Moses is a part of our spiritual family, it is wise to consider his life and some powerful lessons we can learn from it. Moses learned to…

A friend of God

Our friendship with God is a necessary part of our growth as Christians, in preparation for His Kingdom.