
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24, New International Version).

True friends are indispensable, and the Bible has volumes to say on the subject—including how to know when you've found one and how to be one yourself.


Strengthening Relationships Through the 10 Commandments

Discover how God's law helps us to improve our relationships.
A young man sitting in a field.

Only on the Just

We sometimes get choosy over who our friends are and with whom we will communicate, spend time or fellowship.
Layered cardstock paper in multiple colors with Scrabble tiles spelling the article title, words with a friend

Words With a Friend

Friendships don't just happen, they take time to cultivate. In particular, we have to learn how to use our words to build up our friendships, instead of breaking them down.

State of Our Unions - Part 2

The State of our Unions - Part 2- With the State of the Union address by the President of the United States recently past, where he addressed where the country is and where it needs to go and with the…

The State of Our Unions - Part 1

The State of our Unions - Part 1- With the State of the Union address by the President of the United States recently past, where he addressed where the country is and where it needs to go and with the…
A group of adults talking.

What Does It Mean That "Iron Sharpens Iron"?

Does this proverb give cover to start heated theological debates?

Friendship into the Millennium

We learn how to love God by befriending and building friendships with fellow humans. Throughout the Bible, we have examples of friendships and the traits that establish real friendship. Christian friendship teaches us how to be a friend of God…
A woman looking at her smartphone.


The time we spend considering one another can change the way we treat each other when difficulties come.

Friendship With God

One of the greatest blessings we can have in life is friendship. The most important friendship we can have is our friendship with God. We can learn about our friendship with God through his friendship with the servant Abraham.
Sri Lanka

Dear Readers

For the Feast of Tabernacles this year I traveled with my husband, father, sister, her husband and his parents (Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber) to Sri Lanka. What follows is a bit of what we experienced.