A person walking in a field of sunflowers.


We all know what a “fair weather friend” is.

Learning From the Friendship of David and Jonathan

What we can learn about true friendship from David and Jonathan.

What is a friend?

Today we look at what it means to be a friend and the distinction between a friend neighbor and brother.

Sharing our Burdens

We are told to share one another's burdens, this message provides a few thoughts on how to fulfill this great command.

Worthy of Being Loved – Friendship

Story of friendship by focusing on the story of Jonathan and David.

Friendship into the Millennium

We learn how to love God by befriending and building friendships with fellow humans. Throughout the Bible, we have examples of friendships and the traits that establish real friendship. Christian friendship teaches us how to be a friend of God…

What About Jonathan?

Fearless. Loyal. Humble. Jonathan is perhaps one of the most unsung heroes of the Bible, and yet his example can profoundly affect our thinking today. This is his story.

A Story of True Friendship

In this life we're supposed to be building relationships, not only with God but with each other, our brethren in the Church. Close, godly friends can provide encouragement and instruction; iron sharpening iron. David and Jonathan set an example of…

Friendships for the Kingdom

How much do we value the friendships that we have? Are we maintaining our friendships as we move towards the kingdom?

What About Jonathan?

Fearless. Loyal. Humble. Jonathan is perhaps one of the must unsung heroes of the Bible, and yet his example can profoundly affect our thinking today. This is his story.