Feeling Invisible


Have you ever felt invisible? Perhaps you’re tired of being the one who isn’t invited, doesn’t have one or more “best friends,” or maybe you just feel unheard in conversations. Is there some secret ingredient to friendship that you’re missing...

Job's Friends

What kind of friend do you see yourself as to others? What can we learn from Job’s friends? How reliable are your friendships? Who is your best friend?
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Summer 2021

Do you ever get hard questions in life? I don’t mean things like, solve for x when x 2+2x+1 = 4, but questions about life. As a pastor, I get hard questions all of the time, and to be honest...

Friends Help Us Stay Mindful of God

We tend to get wrapped up in the things of life, giving us tunnel vision. God gives us examples in the interactions with Abraham and Peter how to be mindful of the things of God, rather than the things of…

Qualities of Great Friends

What are the qualities that make great friends? In the difficult times that we live in during the stay at home order are our friendships being maintained? This message will describe three qualities of the friendship between David and Jonathan…

What Is Fellowship?

What is Fellowship? When it is used in the Bible, what does it mean? Commonly, we use the term as a verb, describing action. Most often, the Bible shows Fellowship as a noun. This sermon examines 3 Concepts of Fellowship…
An angry woman screaming with her fist in the air.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the January/February 2020 issue of Beyond Today.

A Friend of God

Being a friend of God is attainable. Our God has made the formula for a successful friendship with Him, easy to comprehend. The only thing that can get in the way is us.

Loving Friendships

The Tacoma Family Weekend in February affords us a wonderful opportunity to build friendships with those who attend the various activities throughout the weekend. In addition, we can provide housing for visitors which provides a setting that encourages the establishment…
Media Production

The Importance of Friendships

A story from the Old Testament shows the value of strong friendships.