
Can You Lose Your Salvation?

The Church has the means by which to determine teaching and doctrine. It is important to clarify that because there are a lot of varying ideas as to how doctrine or teaching is arrived at within the Church.

Are You a Principle-Centered Person?

There is a difference between being principle-centered and church-centered. Just showing up to church every week doesn’t prove that you are dedicated to God’s way. There are at least four ways to identify a principle-centered person. Are you principle-centered?

Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 2

Elder Mark Vincen concludes his two-part presentation on the fundamental doctrine of the Lord’s Sabbath with five more elements in understanding this day and examines the correct context of several scriptures often quoted as evidence that the Sabbath is no…

Fundamentals of Belief #5 - Sin and God's Law Part 3

Part 3 of Sin and God's Law. First 4 Commandments. Discussing how God defined his law and his love toward us.

Do You Know What You Believe?

What are the costs associated with not knowing what we believe? We will discuss some of these costs today.

Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 1

Elder Mark Vincen covers a fundamental doctrine of the Church of God, examining five of ten elements in understanding the true Sabbath; in part one of this two-part presentation.

The Festivals of God

In this message, we will see God's plan for humanity as revealed in His festivals beginning with Passover through the Last Day.

Fundamental Belief #4: Humanity - Part 2

Fundamentals of Belief sermon on our Human Weaknesses and how we can overcome them.

Humanity Fundamental Belief

God is in the process of creating His own literal family—with children in His very likeness. He will give human beings immortal, divine life, which we will share with Him for eternity. He desires to share with others His eternal…

The Church

We will be covering the Fundamental of Beliefs on the true Church of God