
The Importance of Sound Doctrine

What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!

Fundamentals - A Necessary Base

Why aren't the millions of people who profess Christianity observing the Sabbath? It's simple - they don't know or believe the fundamental doctrines that God clearly shows in His word. In this split sermon, Micahel Bannen discusses the need for…

Improving Our Prayer Lives

Sometimes, it is beneficial to us as Christians to go back and re-visit the fundamentals, to look back at the basics. This helps us to keep our mindset straight, inspect ourselves to see if we have deviated off track, and…

Improving Our Prayer Lives

From time to time it is important to evaluate our prayer lives and see where growth is required. In order to do that, we need to step back and be reminded of what the basic and fundamental purpose of our…

Going on to Perfection

Continuing our review of the fundamentals to become perfect before God.

Going on to Perfection

The fundamentals of our calling in going on to perfection.

Beyond the Biblical Fundamentals of a Christian Life

There are higher elements to develop than the fundamentals of a Christian life. What are they? This message covers these weightier matters.

Seven Biblical Fundamentals of a Christian Life

John Wooden was a great basketball coach who stressed learning the fundamentals. What are the seven Christian fundamentals? You will learn about them in this sermon.

Let's Pay Attention to the Little Things

Doing the little things should enhance what we are already doing. Never forget that as Christians, we have made a commitment to God to serve, to love, and obey Him with all our hearts. Once we have the basics and…