
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Will You Remember What It Was Like To Be Human

Now that the Feast for 2018 is history, we now face the After-Feast downer. We must remain focused on the Kingdom and our future and maintain the vision.

Who Are You?

Join us for this excellent sermon asking the question "Who Are You"?. What is your vision of the future ? These questions must be answered and they can change your everyday life. These questions and more in this very interesting…

God's Vision for You

Have you ever thought about your future? God has! Not only has He thought about your future, He has a vision and plan for it!

Engineering An Amazing Tomorrow

Engineering plays a very important role in society today. However, God as the master Engineer is preparing an awesome physical and spiritual future that is beyond compare. Join our study today as we discover how God is engineering an amazing…

Spiritual Mindset

Most of the time people have vague ideas about what their future will hold, but God has a vision of what He wants your life to look like. We need to work on developing a spiritual mindset to help us…

Take In the View

The reality of the Millennium and beyond is a struggle for many of us. In this sermon, we will look at 56 PowerPoint slides to assist us in "seeing" the vision of our future as God's Plan unfolds.

Known But to God!

What does the future hold for those known but to God?

An Amazing Hope

There are many things in life that we can have hope for without any guarantee of that hope coming true. The Feast of Tabernacles represents the Kingdom of God, which we should be constantly hoping for. While we may be…

The Importance of Rituals

There are many rituals we observe in our Christian lives today. What is a ritual? A ritual is something we repeat over and over again. Rituals are reminders of why we do the things we do in our Christianity. They…