
God Is Calling You!

Teens and preteens God is calling you now. He wants you to receive the reward of eternal life and join His spiritual family in the coming Kingdom of God. Will you answer the call?

God's Festival

In this sermon, the Feasts of God are reviewed through the scriptures beginning with the Sabbath Day.

Six Key Scriptures for Atonement

On the Day of Atonement, the pastor discusses six key scriptures that help us to expand our understanding of this holy day.

The Generational Challenge; Contending for the Faith Once Delivered

Jude addresses a generational challenge that every generation encounters: contending for the faith once delivered.

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

Generational Sins

Each of us has the opportunity to evaluate the baggage we carry from previous generations and stop our generational sin. Are we taking this challenge seriously?

What We've Been Given

We've been given a special gift. There is a difference in the calling of a 1st Generation Christian and a 2nd, but there is one hope.

We Are Family

How are we doing, as a "Family"? Do we appreciate the fact that the blood of Jesus Christ makes us all family?

How to Touch a Life Forever- When You Get, Give, Learn & Teach

The Bible gives us many examples of mentors, teachers. Timothy had Paul; Mark had Barnabas; Joshua had Moses; Elisha had Elijah; Peter had Jesus. The success of our next generation, whether it be the church or our family depends on…

Contrast Between Solomon and Christ

Solomon had many conclusions about life, but Christ had the last word.