
Be A Witness

We are called to be witnesses of God's way of life.

Grace Simplified

The subject of grace is vital to our spiritual well-being but is a subject that has been in the past controversial and even feared. We need to be cautious and careful and define it more strictly to better understand this…
A family walking in the rain while holding umbrellas.

Good Gifts

Parents try to give good gifts to their children.

1 Corinthians 12-13: Spiritual Gifts and Love

In a continuing series from the Book of 1 Corinthians, pastor Philip Aust covers chapters 12 and 13 and goes in depth on the subjects of spiritual gifts and love.

Gifts from the Father of Lights

The most vital elements for your success are freely offered gifts. But, do you really want these special gifts? What are you doing with them?

This is the Will of God

This message examines three scriptures that state "this is the will of God" and reviews the context in which this statement is made in each instance. This will help us see what God expects the focus of our lives to…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…

Counselor Not Control

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/9/19 Dealing with uncertainty is a natural part of life and can lead to stress and anxiety. Our natural human reaction is to seek to control and manage uncertainty, but God's gift of His Spirit shows us…

Eagerly Desire the Best Gifts

In a busy world, we can often forget about the communities that bind us and the greater good that comes from giving of ourselves to our families, church congregation and greater community. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores an often…

How Do You Love Your Brethren?

One truly amazing blessing that God gives us is our spiritual family. At baptism, we receive God’s Holy Spirit and become His spiritual sons and daughters. The foundation of relationships with God and brethren is the Ten Commandments. How well…