
Gifts from the Father of Lights

The most vital elements for your success are freely offered gifts. But, do you really want these special gifts? What are you doing with them?

Ask, Seek, Knock

A look at how God enables us to work and live WITH Him. This is miraculous enabling aid from our Superior as He in His Grace "bends down to aid the inferior".

Consider One of the Greatest Attributes of God.

God's ways are based on comfort and concern, God the Father and Jesus are givers. We're told in Luke that's God is pleased to give us the Kingdom and in James that every good and perfect gift comes down from…

Open Bible Study Q&A

Three topics are discussed: the trinity doctrine in light of Matthew 28:18-20; The meaning of 1 Peter 1:7; and John 14:12, which claims those that believe in Jesus will do greater works and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 that describes the gifts…

Be Gifted in the Mind of Christ

Lucifer was the most gifted being ever created, but his gifts became perverted, and were not used in the right way. We should be gifted in the mind of Christ.

What Kind of Person Are You?

Personality profile tests help us understand more about ourselves, our strengths and aptitude and may give us ideas for career paths. Scripture identifies people by their attitude and approach to God. Are we becoming doers and overcoming our pleasure seeking…

Paul's Spiritual Wisdom to Timothy

Today, I would like to discuss a practical application of God’s Spirit. I would like to do this by looking at a few verses that Paul wrote to a young evangelist named Timothy. In looking at Paul’s comments we can…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…

Counselor Not Control

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/9/19 Dealing with uncertainty is a natural part of life and can lead to stress and anxiety. Our natural human reaction is to seek to control and manage uncertainty, but God's gift of His Spirit shows us…

Pentecost's Greatest Gift

Many things happened on that day of Pentecost recorded in Acts 2. The Holy Spirit enabled the new members of the Church of God to do some amazing things, including speaking in other languages. But of all the gifts God…