
Days of Unleavened Bread - Meaning For Us

Sermon webcast on the First Day of Unleavend Bread. Three important "Nots" are shared that we must remember in order to keep the Feast.

Cut Off From God?

We see How Christ Saw His Current State on the Cross, His reliance on Our Father, and His Future. After Psalm 22 there are two more which show Christ's View of His State then and future. We are to learn…

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Why are we here today? Why even bother with life? Is it worth living? We suffer struggles to the point at times we may ask ourselves if life is worth everything we are weighed down with. Why can life be…

The Servanthood of Christ

Jesus Christ is our perfect example to be a servant of the Lord and to one another. What are the three types of servanthood that Christ exemplifies?

Five Great Truths

There are five great truths in the Bible. Which are they and why are they so important? Listen in to know these five great truths.

Why Music is in Our Services

Music whether instrumental or in song weather wonderfully played or not is giving glory to God

Reflecting the Glory of the Lord

The prophet Isaiah was inspired to write in chapter 11 verse 9, " the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." The prophet Habakkuk was inspired to write in chapter 2…

Reflecting The Glory Of The Lord

Simply believing in God and just reading the bible, by itself, does not reveal God's purpose for human existence. God's glory is described as God dwelling with His people Israel. Later God's glory came to the temple during Solomon's time…

To God Be the Glory

Are we willing to improve in giving glory to God? Truly, our great God is worthy of all praise, honor, and worship.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

All over the world there are hardships, torments and suffering. However, our caring and merciful God has promised to end all our sorrows. This message covers five biblical principles concerning pain and suffering.