
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Where Has God Gone?

As humans, we tend to see God's involvement in our lives when times are good. But when we face trials, we may sometimes suppose that God is not with us. We need to keep in mind that God will not…

But God...

Many parts of the bible have disaster in front of this statement and prosperity after. A good example of this principle is the life of Joseph as described in the bible. Though Joseph had many highs and lows he continued…

Is Anything Too Difficult for God?

Have we encountered a problem that seems insurmountable? Are there trials or difficulties from which we can see no way of escape. Is God unable to solve all of our problems? In the pre-Passover sermon, Bill Brown, an elder serving…

Seven Proofs That God Exists

Seven proofs that God exists given in this sermon but we still need the Spirit of God to truly have faith in Him.

God's Tool of Time

God is not bound by time. God created time so He has power over it. We will look at a tool that God can use to help us; the tool of time.

Persistence, a Key to Success

What does it take to be successful in life? What does it take to be successful in our Christian walk? Persistence is one of the main keys. Let's review the importance of persistence to know to stay the course on…

The Problem of Prayer, Part 1: Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Great Sermon on effective prayer and getting closer to God through our prayers. 7 points for effective Praying.

Close Encounters of the God Kind - Part 1

Topic statement: The writer of the book of Hebrews explains (ch 1.1) GOD has “at various times and in various ways spoke in times past…,” very interestingly, we find scripturally not the least of which has been through personal visitation…

Ask and You Shall Receive

3 points on how to have a more effective prayer life