
Zeal for Your House

Christ showed passion for God’s house, even causing an uproar when He threw the money changers out of the temple. Now the house of God is no longer a physical building. We are the temple of God, the Church a…

Do you put God first?

Sermonette: Eau Claire - Herbie Hanson - Do you put God first?

Do you put God first?

It is easy to get distracted with the business of our world. We can put many things in front of God, but we know that we really need to put God first. Do you do that?

Honor The Son

What is the Will of the Father in heaven? That you honor the Son.

The Most Important Things

In this nation we have such abundance, but following God and putting Him first are what is truly important. We need to be committed to our calling above all else, and trust God to lead the way even when we…

What God Should Be

Man has always wanted to make a god in their image which they can dictate to it what they want. That is not the message we find in the bible about how the true God operates. This message tells the…

Take the Lead!

The goodness of God leads us to repentance. We are all led here.

Digging for Treasure

Just as the pioneers journeyed out west and searched for gold and other treasures, we too are on a journey searching for treasure. What is this treasure and how do we obtain it? Three ways you can increase your chances…

It Has Been Given to You

How God has called us and revealed to us the secrets of Heaven. Warnings are given by God to His churches and His people not to stray and give lip service only to Him. The knowledge He has revealed to…

Would God Say You're Putting Him First?

God commands “You shall have no other gods before Me,” and He calls on us to give our lives as a living sacrifice to Him. As we examine ourselves through the eyes of the Bible, are we really putting God…