
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Who is the God of All Our Days?

God should be our top priority, we should always be thinking about God.

Reconciliation - One of the First Works

Please join us for this very revealing and informative sermon on Reconciliation. We have to reconcile to God and one another. How do we do that ? What are the steps to do this? The answers to these questions and…

Building Our Life Around God

God wants an intimate connection with each of us. It is too easy to have the events of life distract us from having that close relationship. The people of God can forget or even turn away from Him. Israel, within…

God’s Way is Logical

God’s way is very logical. He invented logic, so it stands to reason that His instructions are logical. We review the scriptures which lead to this logical conclusion.

Diligently Seek Him

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him with earnest and persistent effort. The world is not looking for Him, so we must keep ourselves focused on God, seeking Him now, while we have opportunity. He will reveal…

The Road Less Traveled

The way of Godly righteous character comes from choosing the road less traveled, not the easy road. This is specially true for a Christian. Lets consider ways we can start our day off right by calling upon our Heavenly Father…

The Road Less Traveled

The way of Godly righteous character comes from choosing the road less traveled, not the easy road. This is specially true for a Christian. Lets consider ways we can start our day off right by calling upon our Heavenly Father…

What God Wants from Us

God promises His people the great rewards of eternal life and a position of rulership in His kingdom. But what does He require of us in return? He wants us to put Him first in our lives, care about our…

God is All In

God is all in. He made an ultimate sacrifice, doesn't hold back. Do we?