
Power to Overcome

Overcoming is a daunting task, but God supplies all that is required of us.

Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Pentecost and You

Why does God want us to keep this Feast of Pentecost? Why is the Feast of First Fruits so important? Why do we need God's Spirit and how do we know if we have God's Spirit? There is no one…


Obedience, the way we show our love toward our Father in heaven. Obedience is worship and it is the way we are perfected for our place in the coming Kingdom of God.

Pruning the Vine

John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear…

Men and Women

How does God view women? What are women's roles in the Bible? Taking a look at women in the Bible and God's interactions with women.

The Life of Moses, Four Lessons

Moses was a very powerful servant called and used by the LORD. Given Moses is a part of our spiritual family, it is wise to consider his life and some powerful lessons we can learn from it. Moses learned to…

The Dream is Certain

God's people, as we find them in Daniel Chapter 2, would have been tempted to believe that the Babylonian Kingdom had prevailed over God's purposes for them. They had to learn to live by faith in God who is ultimately…

Our God is With Us

Reminding the Body of Christ of God's continued presence -especially during rough times.