God in Science

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead" (Romans 1:20).

Scientific discoveries are constantly providing us with glimpses of the fingerprints of God all across our universe. See some of those fingerprints below!


Intelligent Design Versus Evolution

The theory of evolution is doing a lot of damage in our society. Is there valid scientific evidence that supports Intelligent Design?

Our Universe and the Sixth Seal

With the powerful universe as a back drop, study the prophecies of the heavenly signs and the end of the world as we know it stated in the book of Revelations.
A scientist using a microscope.

Scientists' Thundering Silence

The more deeply scientists delve into the mysteries of the universe, the more their discoveries support the existence of God. But all too often they are remarkably silent about this aspect of their findings.
A stack of books.

A Deeper Look at the Evidence

Many excellent books and videos have been published in recent years detailing scientific findings and conclusions that point to a Creator. Here are a few.
Big bang illustration

Science and Discomfiting Discoveries

Robert Jastrow comments speak volumes about the attitudes—and at times outright bias—some scientists hold against the possibility of a Creator.
Orion Nebular

Our Awesome Universe

The amount of matter and energy in the universe is unfathomable to the human mind. We must face the question: How did all this come to be?
A man sitting on a rock on the beach.

Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas

Does your life have meaning and purpose?
Crescent Earth

Our Amazing Spaceship Earth

Scientists from many fields have discovered that our planet not only teems with life, but seems to be expressly designed for life. An amazing intelligence seems to be behind Earth's perfect conditions. What is that intelligence telling us?
Illustration of a planet with rings around it.

The Beginning of the Universe

Did our universe always exist, or did it have a beginning at a specific point in time?
Hubble Space Telescope photo.

Asking the Crucial Questions

Why are we here? What is our place in the universe? What is the purpose of life?