
We Need Godly Love

Love is the very nature of God. Love motivates Him. In fact, God is love. How can we make sure we keep ourselves in the love of God?

Matters of the Heart

We will explore the scriptures to examine how we can best develop our minds and hearts for eternal obedience in the God family.

Loving Friendships

The Tacoma Family Weekend in February affords us a wonderful opportunity to build friendships with those who attend the various activities throughout the weekend. In addition, we can provide housing for visitors which provides a setting that encourages the establishment…

The Fear of the Lord

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon was inspired to write that the conclusion of the matter is “to fear God and keep his commandments.”

The Unshakable Things of God

God reminds us in scripture the heavens and earth will be shaken or moved out of its place. Today we look at what will not be shaken out of its place in the message today.

Do you FEAR or LOVE God?

The Bible says ‘God is love’ (I Jn. 4:16), and that perfect love casts out all fear (4:18). And yet, many times the scriptures speak of fearing God—which is it? Do we fear God or love Him? Is there a…

How Can We Keep Our Love from Growing Cold

John White explains how God's people can keep their love from growing/waxing cold.

The Importance of Godly Love

Many sermons address love, but why is it important that we as Christians strive for Godly love?

Walking the Walk

As Christians, we need to remind ourselves of what God expects of us, so it is important that we study so we know and are reminded of what it is that God expects of us. So let us each make…

Five Love Languages of God

Discussed are conduits of God's love toward us, us to God and to each other.