God's Church

The Bible uses many metaphors to describe his Church: the Body of Christ, the bride of Christ, the family of God, and the Temple of God. All of these metaphors describe attributes of a group of people who are unified by their belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.


The Church in End-Time Prophecy

What does the Bible have to say about the Church immediately before the return of Jesus Christ?

God's Sovereignty in the Church and Our Personal Lives

Who is the leader of God's Church and who is leader in our personal lives?

Jesus Christ

Who is the head of the Church? What can this Church expect to face in the future?

Strengths of the United Church of God

What are the strengths of the United Church of God? How can we grow as a church?

A Positive Provocation

How do we as Christians bring about a positive provocation? And what should be the result of a positive provocation?

Making Disciples-A Whole Church Effort

What critical factors are involved in making disciples? How can we impact the lives of the people being drawn into a full relationship with God?

Sign of the True Messiah

What is the sign of the true Messiah? Jesus Christ is acknowledged in name, but not everyone believes in the true Messiah of scripture.

The Elect of God

Many are called, but not all that are called are chosen. The elect of God are called on a mission. Are you fulfilling your mission?

Able Men for the House of God

The apostles forsook everything and Christ began his church with them. You too, can be an able man for the house of God. Here's how!

Are You a Principle-Centered Person?

There is a difference between being principle-centered and church-centered. Just showing up to church every week doesn’t prove that you are dedicated to God’s way. There are at least four ways to identify a principle-centered person. Are you principle-centered?