
Consider the Works of His Hands

In these last days it seems our knowledge of the natural world around us increases daily. In this message we will take a brief look at some recent discoveries that speak to the magnitude and detail of God's creation.

Amazing Creatures, Amazing Creator

Considering God's intricate, majestic creations reveal His incredible love and thoughtfulness. It's important to take time out of our busy schedules to meditate on our God's wonderful creations.
Strange Animals Designed by God

“You’ve Goat to be Kidding Me!”

Have you ever seen an odd-looking animal and thought, “Why did God create that animal that way?” Why did He create ants and then a creature designed to eat them?

Glory From the Small Things

When God created Adam from dust (matter), how incredibly complex is the human body? The scientific facts to the microscopic detail about the human body are just as mind boggling as the vastness of the universe. This message will focus…

Do We Die at Baptism?

Comparing a physical death to a spiritual death to sin at baptism.

How can they say there is no God

The purpose of this message is to address the fallacy that God and the devil does not exist.

Our Amazing Brain

Have you ever stopped to reflect on God’s greatest creation, our brain? Why is our brain so different from any other creature? What do we need to be aware of to protect our brain and how can we make the…

Eye of God

Truths that were powerfully reminded by witnessing the Great American Eclipse.

Use God's Spirit

Christians are encouraged to look at the creation in order to understand God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. How can you more effectively use God's Spirit?

What Does God's Footstool Have to Do With Us?

Isa:66:1 God says, "The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool." We can see an analogy of God's footstool and the Ark of the Covenant being described and displayed in the temple. What does God expect of…