
The Mind of Christ - Fasting

We are to continue putting on the mind of Christ in our lives. We are to study the Bible as a way to do so. One of the lessons that we see in the Bible is that of fasting. How…

Glory In The Lord

Based on Jeremiah 9:23,24 - We must not let glorying in our wisdom, our strength, or our riches blind us to the glory that belongs only to God.
What do you focus your thoughts, energies and actions on each day? What is at your core being? Everything we do throughout the day should be focused on glorifying and honoring our God.

Do All to the Glory of God

As you carry out your daily activities and responsibilities, how can you fully put into practice the biblical instruction to revere your great Creator?

Let Us Count Our Blessings

Through all of our trials, we can count on God's manifold blessings to help us get beyond them.

Gossip Creates Division

Join us for this very eye opening sermon by Mr. Jorge de Campos as he reminds us of what God expects from us in the area of our tongue. Are we being talebearer's and complaining against God ? The answers…

Magnify God's Glory by Serving

We as followers of Christ can enhance our walk with Christ by allowing the glory of God to shine in our Christian lives by "serving" God, each other and the world which will allow God's glory to be magnified by…

What Does God Expect from Us?

In this sermon Gary Smith considers what God expects from us. There are, of course, many answers to his question. Gary Smith addresses some of the major ones in this sermon by showing the greatness of God and how we…

The Difference Between God & Man

The vast difference between God and man and the Plan of God that will eliminate this difference.

Heavenly Declarations of God's Glory

When we peer into the heavens and observe, there are profound spiritual principles to learn as we consider what God has to say about Himself through the textbook of the night sky. We learn about His mercy, His righteousness, His…

When I am Weak, I am Strong

Whatever physical limitations and weaknesses we have, we are strengthened and supported by God. Paul's example of his limits highlight God's power and glory.