God's Law

God's Law serves an important purpose, both historically and in modern times. God's Law shows His character, His justice, and points forward to His Son, Jesus Christ.


Fundamentals of Belief #5 - Sin and God's Law Part 4

Fundamental Belief #5 - Sin and God's Law. Last 6 commandments. Looking at how God defined sin with a focus toward loving our brother.

Fundamentals of Belief #5 - Sin and God's Law Part 3

Part 3 of Sin and God's Law. First 4 Commandments. Discussing how God defined his law and his love toward us.

Our Holy Calling and the Feast

When we are called out by God, there begins an attraction to Him which requires a response from us. God's truths become revealed, such as His Commandments and the Feast Days; a commitment to obedience is required. Listen in to…

Positive Aspects of Living God's Law

From guiding us to conversion to helping us know Christ, there are many positive aspects of following God's laws.

Sin and God's Law-Pt 2

FO B sermon focusing on God's law, but more of a focus on his love and his law of love and the sacrifice he made for us so that we might be in his Family.

The Benefits of Living by God's Laws

Many people live under the assumption that Christians do not need to follow the archaic laws of the Old Testament in order to please God. All one needs to do is simply love God and profess His name in order…

Functional Misfits

The ditches in this life consist of comprises, contention, and discretion The need to fit in is a compulsion of society but as a christian we can not compromise God's truth We have to be different but always remember there…

If You Could Only Keep My Commandments

Keep the commandments of God, not the traditions of man.

Do You Love God's Law?

God's Law, the Ten Commandments is the basis for all righteousness as a Christian and must become a part of us. To receive God's Holy Spirit and to receive Christ's sacrifice for our sins, we must keep and love God's…

Godly Misfits

Everyone at one time or another has felt out of place like they don’t fit in. But if you are one of God’s people you are not suppose to fit into society. Keeping God’s laws makes us a Godly Misfit.