God's Law

God's Law serves an important purpose, both historically and in modern times. God's Law shows His character, His justice, and points forward to His Son, Jesus Christ.


First Things First

How do you apply the First Commandment in your life today?

A Lesson From the Elephants

The family unit is extremely important to God. When the family unit is disrupted, or injured, the results can be far reaching, and affecting many people beyond just that small group.

Zeal for God's Work

Satan, the devil, has done a very good job in blinding the minds of people to the purpose of God and truly why we are alive. What is the purpose for life?
a woman holding a coffee cup and reading a Bible

“If You Love Me . . . ”

Millions of professing Christians say, “It’s so good to know and love the Lord.” While this is a nice sentiment, how do these sincere people express their love to God? Is it done in the way specified in scripture or...
A person reading a Bible by a lamp.

Our Window of Opportunity

Closer than ever to the end of this present evil age, we have an unusual window of opportunity to search out the hidden purpose of our existence, to find our way back to God.
Baby crying.

Man's Natural Hostility Toward God

Why does man reject the God of the Bible and the divine laws that define His standards?
A photo illustration of the apostles and one of them is reading from a scroll.

What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice?

Shouldn't you look into your Bible to see if your beliefs and practices square with what Jesus Christ and the apostles practiced and taught?
People singing during church service.

The Church of God Today

With so many churches teaching so many different things, how can one identify those who remain faithful to Christ's original teachings? With the world so heavily influenced by Satan and a counterfeit Christianity, how can one find the truth?
Two Bibles stacked on top of each other.

Changes in Christian Scholars' Perspective on God's Law

Regard for God's law in mainstream Christianity has been remarkably inconsistent since the Protestant Reformation.

Preparing for the Passover

Watch an excellent video , with 3 points, for taking the Passover in a worthy manner.