
What's in a Name?

We are to give proper honor to God's name as seen in the 3rd Commandment and other areas of the Bible. How do we do this and how can we dishonor God's name?

The Third Commandment: How to Take God's Name

If we want to avoid taking God’s name in vain, we must first know how to “take” it properly. Let’s do that as we examine possibly the least understood of all the Ten Commandments—the Third Commandment.

The Third Command, Its Sacred Meaning

Maybe the most neglected command of the Royal 10. Examining the careless use of His Honorable Name, and learning the meaning of its sacred use in our daily language.

What's Your Legacy?

Kobe Bryant left behind a rather large legacy. So did Adolf Hitler. Do you ever think about what your legacy might be? Will you have have one? Will it be good or bad? In this message, we'll talk about legacies…

The Mystery of God's Name

As Jesus shared His last Passover with His Apostles, He recapitulated that night some of the most profound teachings He had privately shared with them during their previous 3-1/2 years together. He finished His discourse with an open prayer to…

The Importance of a Name

The name of God is to be respected and used appropriately. In this sermon, the speaker looks through the scriptures concerning God's command to not take His name in vain and how we are to use God's name.

In The Name of The Lord

In numerous places in the Bible blessings, events, prayers, are given “in the name of the Lord.” What does that mean for us?

Pronouncing God's Name Right and the Perfect Spiritual Language

Are these valid spiritual concerns?

Hallow God's Name

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray He explained how we are to always hallow the Father’s name in all we do. Hallowing God’s name is something a Christian is to do throughout their life. (Presented to the London…

The Name of God Is on Us

The third commandment can be viewed as a trivial command. We can understand that there is really much more depth to the importance of not taking God’s name in vain. This sermon will help us understand the importance of why…