
What's So Bad About a Little White Lie?

What does God say about lying? If you are a habitual liar, where will that get you? Stop and think for a moment about the nineth commandment. If mankind was able to eradicate even this one sin, do you know…

The Compassionate Nature of God

Our Father and Jesus look down on us kindly and tenderly. They have an appreciation for the nature of our existence. They share our joys, worries, pains, grief and needs.

The Eighth Day

Before time began, God ordained His great plan of salvation, which culminates in a time symbolized by the Biblical festival called the "Eighth Day". What is God's ultimate purpose in His plan? Why is He doing what He's doing?


Living in a fallen world filled with a humanity gifted with free will, is a guarantee for conflict between people. Jesus showed us the process to follow for conflict resolution and forgiveness.

If You have Seen Me

What did Jesus mean when He said, "If you have seen Me, then you have seen the Father"? This powerful sermon covers much regarding the unity between the Son and the Father.

What Is Human Nature and How Did We Get It?

What kind of nature did God put in mankind - good, or evil? Was our basic nature changed by Adam's sin so that all people are now born evil? What does the Church teach? In this split-sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses…

THE 7 Great Questions

These questions and accompanying answers are the GREAT ones of all time; and they are the reasons for our very lives. Mankind thinks they have it all in control. WE in God's Church may do that at times without even…

Three Ways To Appreciate God Through Nature

Coming to know and understand God's greatness through those things He has created.

Unknown God

Study the history of any human society down through the ages and you will find some kind of belief in a supernatural god or a multitude of gods intertwined into the culture.