
Unleavened Bread in the Beginning & the End

Why do we observe the a Feast requiring us to put physical leavening in the 21st Century? What does it have to do with God’s plan of salvation for us and all humanity? We will explore the origin of sin…

Walking Away From Egypt

In a sermon before the webcast audience of Atlanta and Buford brethren on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, Jerry Shallenberger, a local elder, reviews the events of the exodus from Egypt and relates it to our walking away from…

God plans by the numbers

It is interesting when you look at the study of mathematics and look at God's plan throughout the Bible in relation to numbers.

The Basis of God's Prophecies

Can God forecast the future events that will impact mankind? Many reject such a concept. Jerold Aust, Senior UCG writer and minister visiting in Atlanta, gives the keys to the basis of God's accurate prophecies of coming events.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Mr. Dan Cupp explains more about the Jews' dislike of Samaritans and about Christ and the Samaritan woman.

Why Listen For The Trumpet?

The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Jesus Christ. We know this will be accompanied by a trumpet blast heard around the world. But WHY are we listening? Is it only to save ourselves, or is there something more?

God's Promises Are Sure

The Feast of Trumpets represents a pivotal day in the plan of God. In this message, we review just how important it is!

Salvation is Creation

There are 'Threads of Understanding' or 'Keys' woven throughout God's Word to give us understanding about God's purpose for all mankind. The title gives one of these vital keys to help us understand what God's purpose is. We will explore…

What's the Purpose of Life

In a fascinating split-sermon, Michael Bannen provides an unorthodox discussion of what God is doing with mankind and why! [Note - Mr. Bannen used slides to accompany this message and they can be found by clicking on the Download section…

Eye Has Not Seen

Solomon learned that physical things do not satisfy. It shall be only with God's Spirit and in God's Kingdom when all things shall be truly satisfying.